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Let go of your mind

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Number of people who have established a karmic relationship with the Dharma

The theme of the 2568th Buddhist Dharma Teaching: Compete with yourself and don’t compare with others


Nobleness and lowliness are not only distinguished by external words and deeds.

It is to test whether he has a noble heart.

If one is only good at superficial work, but lacks the purity, freedom, compassion, wisdom, and selflessness,

No matter how you perform, your clumsy side will eventually be exposed and cannot be concealed.

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─ The first volume of the Dhamma of Life from the Holy Words of my mentor
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Picture: The solemn and sacred grounds of the Dharma Nature Treasure Forest Huiyin Temple

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Dharma Videos

Upload the Dharma teaching videos of Master Jing Yuan from Dharma Xing Bao Lin. We will also upload the videos of the lectures given by the Sangha Dharma Masters.

Films, as well as cultural and educational films organized by the Faxing Baolin Cultural and Educational Foundation, are recorded here

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Episode 9 Unit 5.jpg
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Contact: Master Yuan Zhuang Contact number: 0911677244

Contact address : No. 2-3, Shuiku Road , Nanxi District, Tainan City

Donation account: Faxing Baolin Cultural and Educational Foundation

Bank transfer account number: 066228000321 Jingcheng Bank - Yujing Branch

Account name: Faxing Baolin Cultural and Educational Foundation


-Faxing Baolin Family Style-
Giving others a way out is like giving yourself a way out; helping others is like giving back to yourself.

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